Troubleshooting Guide for Hololight Space

Troubleshooting Guide for Hololight Space

Welcome to the Hololight Space (LT) Troubleshooting Guide – Your comprehensive resource for addressing common issues. We are committed to ensuring your seamless experience with Hololight Space.

Within this guide, you will discover curated solutions to prevalent challenges. If your specific issue is not covered or if the problem persists, we invite you to reach out to us through our dedicated support channel at Our team is here to provide you with prompt assistance and resolution.

Microsoft HoloLens 2 is here referred to as HoloLens 2.

Meta (previously Oculus) Quest 2 is here referred to as Quest 2.

Apple iPad Pro is here referred to as iPad Pro.

Why has "AR 3S (Pro)" been renamed to Hololight Space (LT)? Are they the same products?

Yes, they are the same products despite name changes.

You can find a more detailed explanation in this official announcement.


Hololight Space LT is supported by HoloLens 2 and available in the Microsoft Store.

Hololight Space is supported by HoloLens 2 and Quest 2.
  1. Hololight Space (Client) can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store (AR, HoloLens 2) or the Oculus App Lab (VR, Quest 2).
    1. Hololight Space (Client) can also be sideloaded from from Hololight’s Download Section on its webpage.
  2. Hololight Space (Server) for PC can be downloaded from Hololight’s Download Section on its webpage.
Hololight Space Spectator is supported by iPad Pros and can be downloaded from the App Store.

Downloading and Installing

I can't access the Microsoft Store/Oculus App Lab. Is there another way to install Hololight Space (Client)?

Yes, Hololight Space (Client) can be sideloaded for both HoloLens 2 and Quest 2. The required installation files can be found in the download section of our website.

Instructions on how to download and install Hololight Space (Client) can be found in this guide.

I sideloaded Hololight Space (Client) for Meta Quest 2 but I cannot see it in my "App Library".

If Hololight Space (Client) is sideloaded for Meta Quest 2, the app can be found within "App Library" → "Unknown Sources" in some cases.

I tried to download the Hololight Space (client) from the Microsoft Store and the installation failed.

If the installation fails, please make sure to remove any previous installations of Hololight Space from your device. To be on the safe side, we recommend that you also check the Windows Device Portal for HoloLens 2 to see if there are any remnants from the last installation and remove them.

If there are multiple user accounts on the HoloLens, you can also try to uninstall the application with each account if possible. 


How do I license my Hololight Space (LT) application?

Please refer to this guide.

The expiration date in the "License" menu shows an incorrect date.

If you think the expiration date displayed in Hololight Space is incorrect, please contact your account manager.

I cannot access the license portal/ The activation email is expired/ I did not receive any activation mail.

The license portal can be accessed via

If you did not receive any activation mail for your account registration yet, please also check your spam folder and check whether your company has strict inbound- und outbound policies for e-mail traffic in place.

If you are having issues with accessing the license portal please reach out to us via

The QR code (HoloToken) in the license portal does not work.

There are several reasons for why the QR code may not work.

Please check if any of the following scenarios apply to you.

I do not have an active license with Hololight for Hololight Space (LT).

If you do not have an active license with Hololight, the license portal will display a dummy QR code that has no functionality.

If you are interested in Hololight Space (LT), please reach out to

I do not have access to an internet-enabled network/I’m using Hololight Space (LT) offline.

To be able to access the necessary license servers during initial licensing, it is necessary to have a stable Internet connection. If there is no internet-enabled network, Hololight Space (LT) cannot unfortunately be licensed.

After the licensing process, Hololight Space (LT) can be used offline (with the exception of Multi-User sessions in Cloud mode).

I downloaded the HoloToken some days/weeks ago.

If the token was downloaded some time ago, its validity may have expired. At this point we ask you to re-download the token and try the licensing steps again.

The expiration of a token does not negatively affect the total validity period of the license.

I shared the HoloToken with my colleagues and it does not work for them/ I used the same HoloToken several times and it does not work anymore.

It could be that the license seats have been used up and there is no free seat left. If all seats are used up, the HoloToken can no longer be used.

Please select the "Release License" option in the License menu within Hololight Space (LT) if you want to license another device.

If you are unsure if you have any more available seats, please contact us via

If you would like to purchase more seats, please contact your account manager.

I cannot scan the QR code within my Hololight Space (LT) application.

Also, please make sure that the camera and microphone permissions of your HoloLens 2 are enabled.
Please be aware that scanning QR codes in Hololight Space for Meta Quest 2 is not supported due to technical limitations.

I cannot license my application by using the “Read License from disk” option.

Please make sure that the valid HoloToken is inside the "3D Objects" folder of your PC. Also, ensure that the text file is spelled exactly “HoloToken.txt”.

Please use the file created by the license portal and do not copy the content to another file. This seems to cause problems with licensing in our experience even if the name matches.

If you are using Windows 11 and do not have a 3D Objects folder, please create a new folder called “3D Objects” within this path on your PC: “C:\Users\{Username}”.

This newly created folder should act like the 3D Objects folder in earlier Windows versions.

Also, make sure that you have only one HoloToken file in the "3D Objects" folder. If there are multiple HoloToken files (even if valid), the licensing might fail.

The token does not work and the time setting on my PC does not have the "Set Time Automatically" option enabled.

If the "Set Time Automatically" option is not enabled on your PC (within “Date & time"), please enable it. Time inaccuracies (even if only for a few seconds/minutes) can, from experience, cause licensing to fail.

If this option was at first disabled and you enabled it, we ask you to download a fresh HoloToken and try the licensing steps again.

I cannot use the QR code (neither via scanning nor downloading) even though none of the scenarios above apply to me.

If none of the above scenarios help you, please write to us via We will be happy to help you.

Can I see which devices are licensed/whether all my license seats are used up?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to view this information on the customer side. Also on server side our information is limited - nevertheless please do not hesitate to contact for individual advice and information.

Establishing a Connection between Hololight Space (Client) and Hololight Space (Server)

There are several reasons for why the connection between server and client may not work. Please check if any of the following scenarios apply to you.

My client and server versions are different/ I do not know which software version I have installed.

The compatibility between the different Hololight Space versions can be found in this guide. However, we recommend that you always have the latest version installed on your devices.

You can find out which version you are currently using in the "About" tab of your Hololight Space LT, Hololight Space (Client) or Hololight Space (Server) application.

When I start Hololight Space (Client), I am immediately inside the app and cannot connect.

If this happens, it is quite possible that you have launched the Hololight Space LT application on your HoloLens instead. Hololight Space LT does not require a server application (but has limited functionality compared to Hololight Space). 

My devices (PC + HoloLens 2 and/or Quest 2) are not connected to the same network.

To establish a successful connection, all devices involved must be on the same network.

Unfortunately, this requirement can not be circumvented.

The required ports for establishing the connection are not enabled.

The required ports can be found in this guide regarding network requirements for Hololight Space.

I tried to scan the connection QR code and cannot establish a connection.

Please make sure that the camera and microphone permissions of your HoloLens 2 are enabled.

Remove any nearby QR codes, if any, that may interfere with the Connection QR code.

In the drop-down menu please select the correct IP address of your server device, should more than one be selectable in the dropdown menu (e.g. Ethernet and Wi-Fi.).
Please be aware that scanning QR codes in Hololight Space for Meta Quest 2 is not supported due to technical limitations.
If none of the above scenarios help you, please check if you entered the correct IP address as well as port in the client application. If this also fails please reach out to us via We will gladly assist you.

I tried to establish a connection and constantly see the Hololight Space logo and "Loading Space..."

Please check whether the GPU drivers of your server device are up to date. If an update is available, please install it.

Rendering, Performance and User Experience

My Hololight Space (LT) application runs very unstable.

There are several reasons for why the rendering and performance may be unstable/jittery/laggy.

Please check if any of the following scenarios apply to you.

My network’s bandwith is on the lower side.

If you have low bandwidth available (we recommend at least 20Mbit/s) you can throttle bandwidth usage within Hololight Space (Server) by selecting a lower Mbit value in the bottom left of the application.

My server device’s graphics card is (out) of date and not very powerful.

The minimum and recommended specifications can be found in this guide for Hololight Space (Server).

My server device is not connected to a power source and has a low battery charge.

A low battery level can have a negative impact on the computing performance. Please make sure that there is a steady power supply.

HoloLenses 2 and Meta Quest 2/3 do not always have to be connected to the battery, but we recommend ensuring a rather high battery level. If the devices are in use for a very long time and heat up, we recommend taking a short break. 

There are many devices connected to the same network as me at the same time.

If there are many devices on the same network (e.g. cell phones, laptops, XR devices in an open-plan office) this can reduce performance. We recommend using a dedicated router setup.

The rendering is (color) distorted and/or glitching.

If you are using Hololight Space on your Meta Quest 2 and the colors are distorted, please look at the "remoting-config.cfg" file in the following path: "C:\Program Files\Holo-Light\Hololight Space\Hololight Space v2023.1.1.0_Data\StreamingAssets". Please open it with a text editor of your choice and check the value of "width" and "height". If it is not 1920, please remove the currently installed Hololight Space (Server) version and repeat the installation process.

Background: When switching between HoloLens 2 and Meta Quest 2, the mentioned file is automatically adjusted and with it the resolution. If this should go wrong (due to a failed installation for instance), the observed distortion occurs.

File Upload and File Visualization

My 3D object is not displayed in my Hololight Space’s File Browser.

There are several reasons for why your 3D object may not be displayed within Hololight Space’s File Browser.

Please check first if you choose the correct option. To view and load individual objects in the File Browser, you must select "Import 3D Model" in the Welcome Panel or "Load Object" in the "Space Manager" menu. If you press "Load Space" instead, you will see space files (if available) and not individual 3D objects, even if they are in the correct file format and folder.

Furthermore, please check if any of the following scenarios apply to you.

My 3D object is of type X. Does Hololight Space support file type X?

A list of file types supported by Hololight Space (LT) can be found in this guide.

If your file type is not among them, unfortunately the object cannot be displayed in Hololight Space (LT). We recommend converting it to a supported file type.

My 3D object is not in the 3D objects folder of my server device.

Files must be located in the 3D Objects folder (or its subfolders) of the HoloLens 2 (Hololight Space LT) or in the 3D Objects folder (or its subfolders) of the server device (Hololight Space).

If the files are not in the correct (sub) folder, they cannot be loaded into Hololight Space (LT).

I am using Windows 11 and I do not have a 3D objects folder .

If you are using Windows 11 and do not have a 3D Objects folder, please create a new folder called “3D Objects” within this path on your PC: “C:\Users\{Username}”.

This newly created folder should act like the 3D Objects folder in earlier Windows versions.

My 3D objects has specific properties such as splices.

Some properties like spleens or "transparency" prevent objects from being visualized in Hololight Space. In this case you can contact our support at We will gladly assist you.

My 3D object is not displayed correctly in the Loading Cube.

My 3D object is displayed with an incorrect rotation (e.g. upside-down).

Please check the settings when exporting the 3D object in the respective program.

My 3D object is not displayed correctly in the Overworld.

My 3D object’s scaling is incorrect.

Please check the settings when exporting the 3D object in the respective program.

The scaling can be corrected within the Loading Cube and the "Interaction" menu.

My 3D object has no textures.

Please check the settings when exporting the 3D object in the respective program.

Some file formats (e.g. glTF) require that additional texture files are provided in the same folder as the "source" object. If these texture files are not available, the file will be visualized without textures (e.g. in entirely white/grey).

After confirming the Loading Cube, my 3D object is not visible in the overworld.

If the object should not be visible, this is probably due to the scaling. Within the loading cube the scaling can be changed. Try different settings (larger/smaller) in the preview to find the optimal size. 

In addition, if the size in the loading cube fits, you can apply the Bounding Box functionality to examine the world space for the object, should it still not be visible.

Multi-User Meetings

I cannot find my collaborator's Multi-User session/My collaborator cannot find my Multi-User session.

Please make sure that all participants are on the same network. 

I cannot start a Multi-User session in Cloud mode.

Our cloud sessions are enabled by third-party Photon servers. If you have a strict network policy in place, it might prevent you from connecting to the cloud servers.

Please check with your IT department if there are such restrictions and if so, please unblock them if possible.

I cannot see my collaborator’s avatar in my Multi-User session.

Please align the World Space for all users before or after you start the Multi-User session. This should correct the position of all avatars present.

Functionalities in General

I cannot employ the QR code scanning functionality.

If you cannot scan QR codes for the World Space Alignment within Hololight Space (LT), please make sure it is a Model 1 QR code in the first place.

Also, please make sure that the camera and microphone permissions of your HoloLens 2 are enabled.

Arrange for the QR code to be on a bright, patternless surface and get very close to the QR code (if possible).
Please be aware that scanning QR codes in Hololight Space for Meta Quest 2 is not supported due to technical limitations.

If I select the "Align Object with QR Code" functionality, the object does not appear above the QR code but elsewhere in the room.

If the "Align Object with QR Code" functionality is triggered, the object should be located above the QR code after a successful scan.

If the object appears elsewhere in the space instead, it could be due to the origin of the model. The functionality is not based on the "center point" but on the origin. If the origin does not meet your requirements, it must be adjusted before exporting the object.

The Live XRStream of the server application has a black background and/or a duplicated camera image.

Please check whether the GPU drivers of your server device are up to date. If an update is available, please install it.


Does Hololight Space (LT) support voice commands?

No, currently Hololight Space (LT) does not support voice commands. It is planned for the future, but we cannot give exact time frames at the moment.

Is Hololight Space supported on device X?

Our products are currently available for Microsoft Hololens 2, Meta Quest 2/3, Magic Leap 2 as well as iPad Pro.

New devices may well be added with future releases, so we encourage you to stay up to date with HoloLight Space development.

Does Hololight Space (LT) support language X? Is support for language X planned?

Hololight Space (LT) supports English, German and Japanese (beta) language versions. More language support is planned for the future.

How do I get an active license for Hololight Space (LT)?

Please contact our sales team via if you are interested in a (trial) license.

Can Hololight Space (LT) please include functionality X in the future?

It is planned to add many new features to Hololight Space (LT) with each software update.

If you have any particular requests, please feel free to contact your account manager (however, we do not guarantee that the changes will be implemented).

Can I send feedback to the development team?

If you have any feedback or suggestions regarding our products, please feel free to let us know via We will forward the feedback to our product team.

I found a bug! How do I report it to the development team?

If you have found a bug, you are very welcome to send it to us via with a description of the observed behavior and the Hololight Space (LT) version number. We also appreciate screenshots and videos.

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