Establishing a Connection between Hololight Space (Server) and Hololight Space (Client) on Local Network

Establishing a Connection between Hololight Space (Server) and Hololight Space (Client) on Local Network

Once you have successfully downloaded and installed the Hololight Space (Server) application on your PC and the Hololight Space (Client) application on your Microsoft HoloLens 2 and/or Meta Quest 2, you can proceed to connect them seamlessly.

If you encounter any connectivity issues with Hololight Space, please refer to our comprehensive Troubleshooting guide.

This guide describes how to connect Hololight Space (Server) and Hololight Space (Client) within a Local Network. For this, all devices must be connected to the same network.

Alternatively, Hololight Space is also available on a Cloud basis.

Connecting Hololight Space (Server) and Hololight Space (Client) for Microsoft HoloLens 2

Please make sure that you are in the "Hololight Space" tab within the client application.

Setting up a Connection via IP Address

Launch the Hololight Space (Server) application on your PC. Next to the IP address field, several IP addresses should be listed in a drop-down list.

To connect Server and Client you need the corresponding IP address of the network. Launch the Hololight Space (Client) application on your HoloLens 2 and enter the IP address that is displayed within the Server application into the input field next to "Server IP". 

If you launch multiple Hololight Space (server) instances simultaneously on the same PC, you will get incremented port numbers. The range here is from 9999 to 10003.

The IP address field should have the following format (for instance): "" the number after the colon stands for the connection port. The default connection port is "9999". If the server shows a different port number, you need to click on the settings icon inside the client application and enable the "Show Port" option. Next, you can specify the required port in the (new) field next to the IP address.

If the connection attempt was successful, the field next to "Connection Status HMD" should no longer read "Disconnected" but "Connected". The Hololight Space application should now launch on your HoloLens device.

Setting up a Connection via Connection QR Code

Launch the Hololight Space (Server) application on your PC and click on the tab "Connection QR Code".

A QR code should be displayed with a drop-down list above it, which includes an IP address, connection port and network affiliation. The QR code is associated with the IP address, so select the correct IP address in the drop-down list.

Launch the Hololight Space (Client) application on your HoloLens 2 and choose the option "Scan QR Code".

You will be prompted to scan a QR code, therefore scan the aforementioned Connection QR Code.

Connecting Hololight Space (Server) and Hololight Space (Client) for Meta Quest 2

Due to technical limitations, the Meta Quest 2 does not support QR code scanning functionality. Therefore, you cannot make usage of the Connection QR Code.
Launch the Hololight Space (Server) application on your PC. Next to the IP address field, several IP addresses should be listed in a drop-down list.

To connect Server and Client you need the corresponding IP address of the network. Launch the Hololight Space (Client) application on your Quest 2 and enter the IP address that is displayed within the Server application into the input field next to "Server IP". 

The IP address field should have the following format (for instance): "" the number after the colon stands for the connection port and must be typed into the client app, unless it is the default port 9999.

If you launch multiple Hololight Space (server) instances simultaneously on the same PC, you will get incremented port numbers. The range here is from 9999 to 10003.

If the connection attempt was successful, the field next to "Connection Status HMD" should no longer read "Disconnected" but "Connected". The Hololight Space application should now launch on your HoloLens device.