Loading Files in Hololight Space

Loading Files in Hololight Space

To fully harness the capabilities of Hololight Space, it is imperative to load your custom 3D assets into your designated worldspace.

If you are in demo mode, you cannot access your own files. To get an idea of Hololight Space, demo files are available within the application. 

Accessing 3D Objects 

Start Hololight Space and access the "Main" menu. There, open the "Space Manager" menu and tap on the "Load Object" option in the top bar.

Here the File Explorer should open and your objects previously made available for Hololight Space should be displayed.

There should be a box next to the object in the File Browser. If you tick this box, several objects can be imported at once by clicking on "Import All".

Once the file is selected in the File Browser, it is displayed in a Loading Cube.

As soon as you are satisfied with the object appearance, you can finally load it into your workspace by confirming checkmark in the center of the cube via Far or Near interaction.

When the object has been successfully loaded, it should be displayed in the Space Manager along with all its components under "Space Objects".

Navigating the Loading Cube

Within the Loading Cube the file can be manipulated before it is fully loaded in your work space.


This option allows you to briefly visualize the object to get an impression of its appearance. After the preview it is located still in the Loading Cube.


This options allows you to stop the upload of the object and it will no longer be inside the Loading Cube. 


This options allows you to adjust the basic unit of measurement for object scaling.


This options allows you to change the scaling of the object within certain ratios.


This options allows you to rotate the object along specific axes.

Mirror X, Mirror Y and Mirror Z

This option allows you to mirror the object in the Loading Cube around specific axes.

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