ISAR SDK Release Notes

ISAR SDK Release Notes

Below you will find all the latest changes being introduced with ISAR SDK It was published in July 2022 and is available on Holo-Light's GitHub account. This release is focused on feedback we’ve received from users via our Feedback and Support Portals as well as our product roadmap.

Please note that the Android client and Depth Alpha feature are still BETA versions. 


NEW – Virtual Microphone Driver for Microphone capturing (HoloLens Client → Server, can be toggled on/off)

NEW – Quest 2 Input Support (Far Pointer Interaction and Hand Updates) 

NEW – Spatial Mesh Understanding (HoloLens) for MRTK Usage

NEW – ARFoundation with AR Subsystem Provider (ARFoundation Loader, Plane Detection Subsystem, Raycast Subsystem, Image Tracking Subsystem)

IMPROVED – Unity specific Audio Streaming instead of system audio mix delivered to client

IMPROVED – Overall performance optimizations and stability changes

IMPROVED –  Video Frame Pipeline runs on GPU

IMPROVED –  Reintroduced Congestion Control System


As part of our mission we continuously aim to improving ISAR SDK. And bugs are no exceptions. Based on feedback from users, partners and internal developers the following bugs have been squashed.
FIXED – IsarXRLoader throws an exception when exiting play mode

FIXED – Unity Reinitialization error of XR Subsystems on connection loss

FIXED – Input System occasionally throws exceptions if hands are detected

FIXED – Unity sometimes crashes and shuts down when exiting play mode

FIXED – IsarXRSDKTouchManager throws exception at Disable()

FIXED – During network congestion artifacts will appear on the client which leads to the effect of image blurring


Below you will find a list of known issues. These issues are defined as bugs, or at times missing features, that is known to the development team and are being actively investigated or developed.
  • Please note that Depth is still in BETA: Distortion on Objects when Depth Feature is enabled – When the Depth feature is enabled for ISAR, there is a distortion on objects and menus that can best be seen when the object is close to the user. It affects especially the top left corner of the object. 
  • Please note that Depth is still in BETA:  With Depth Alpha enabled there is an outline around Objects in the Color of the Camera Background – With Depth Alpha enabled and the Alpha channel of the camera set to 0, you can see an outline around the edges on an object in the color of the Camera's Solid Color. This can best be seen, if another color than black (e.g. red) is used. 
  • Oculus Client Application can only be used when both Controllers are in use – When the user only uses one controller, the other controller does not work in the client. It could be observed that if only the right controller is active, this controller could not be used and the ray of that controller stays at one place. 
  • Please note that the Android Client is still in BETA: Android Client sometimes shows a Black Screen after connecting – When connecting the Android Client to ISAR, the screen turns black and the user has to press either a button on the device or turn the device from portrait to landscape. This behavior could not be observed for all Android device types. On some devices it can be observed once, but then not again until the device is left alone for a certain amount of time (usually 10 - 15 mins).
  • Please note that Depth is still in BETA:  Small black colored parts of Objects become pixelated and semi-transparent in Android Client with Depth Alpha enabled – With Depth Alpha enabled, smaller black colored parts of an object get transparent/ semi-transparent and pixelated. 

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